The opening ceremony of the BFSS Open Cup

The opening ceremony of the BFSS Open Cup

The grand opening of the Open Cup of the Belarusian Shooting Sports Federation took place in the capital’s sports complex named after Marshal S.K.Tymoshenko. The competitions are recognized internationally, and shooters from Russia, Kyrgyzstan, and Azerbaijan will perform at the firing lines along with Belarusian shooters. In total, more than 160 athletes will compete for medals.

The opening ceremony was attended by honored guests:
Deputy Minister of Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Ivanovich Baraulya, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Republic of Belarus Major General Andrey Vladimirovich Zhuk, Chairman of the NGO “BFSS” Dudko Sergey Grigorievich, Director of the RCOP for Shooting Sports Vladislav Vladimirovich Stepanyuk, Head of the Department of Skiing and Shooting Sports of the BSUFC, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate professor, professor of the department Yurchik Natalia Anatolyevna.

On July 30, the participants will take their positions at the borders in accordance with the declared disciplines. The competition will continue until August 4 inclusive.